Eshan Ankulkar
While taking my Visharad Pratham exam in New Jersey, I experienced the difficulty of gathering English theoretical information about tabla and communicating it using English vocabulary. While my dad very well had a collection of Hindi and Marathi language textbooks, I found it relatively hard to read and understand tough grammar as I did not have as much experience reading advanced texts in such languages as some students in India. Realizing that this was a problem that potentially thousands of students across the world may face, I imagined an online website that provided tabla students around the globe with the opportunity to access information regarding tabla history and theory with ease. With support from my parents and permission from my guru, I have the honor of presenting this website to bright, eager students everywhere. Tabla Legacy provides students from all over an opportunity to review core tabla knowledge in English. I hope you find this content useful!

Eshan's teacher, Shri. Suryaksha Deshpande, is an experienced tabla player, teacher, and scholar. He is a disciple of Pt. Arvind Mulgaonkarji of the Farrukhabad Gharana lineage. He is the founder of Anubhooti School of Indian Classical Music based in New Jersey. We thank him for his blessings and positive support in building this informational website.

Shri. Suryaksha Deshpande

Pt. Arvind Mulgaonkar